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Parker Task Force Food Bank Details Page

Parker Task Force Food Bank

Contact Information
19105 Longs Way
Parker, CO - 80134
Phone: (303) 841-3460
Fax Number: (303) 840-3912

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Pantry Details, hours, photos, information: Parker Task Force Food Bank

    The Parker Task Force is dedicated to providing individuals and families in our community with food, limited financial assistance and other support services to help them become self-sufficient. These services will be delivered with compassion, dignity and respect by our 100% volunteer staff.

PTF is open Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 9:00 am until 1:00 pm. It is essential that you arrive no later than 11:30 am. You must have proof of address at every visit. On the first visit you must have proof of address, social security cards for all family members and a picture ID.
    Please note that we are closed on Sunday, Monday and Thursday.
Q: What is the best time to get there? Do you ever have to turn people away?
     A: We try never to turn people away from our doors. We do ask that you arrive no later than 11:30 so that we have the time required to provide service. If you arrive too late, we may ask that you return the next business day.
Q: Can I also get financial assistance in addition to food?
     A: Financial assistance will be considered on a case by case basis. Clients must come in to visit PTF with the appropriate documentation and information for requests to be considered.
Q: Do I have to take food if I just need financial help?
     A: The program here encourages people to utilize our food bank and save the money they would have spent on groceries to help pay down debt, pay bills or catch up on other commitments. We also encourage clients to save money whenever possible to start building a nest egg and/or have some depth in their financial plan that can address set backs or crisis situations. PTF encourages people to live at or beneath their means to ensure that self-sufficiency is gained and sustained. PTF reviews client files regularly and clients are strongly encouraged to follow suggested life changes and use the program as intended to improve their situation.
Q: What other things can I do to make ends meet while I get back on my feet?
     A: PTF will help you sustain the basic necessities of living. As tough as it may seem, cable television, a whole family cell plan, gym memberships, larger more expensive than necessary living arrangements, designer nails, large screen TV, daily Starbucks etc. are not necessities of life. We must all get to a place where we can define the difference between what we actually need and what we can qualify as "wants". It is also necessary for families to learn to conserve and stretch their resources in ways that may seem punitive to them at first, but in time, becomes a way of life.
Q: What happens if I've used up my ten visits and I still require assistance?
     A: PTF has a Client Review Committee staffed by volunteers who also serve as Interviewers and/or Greeters. Two Board Members serve on this committee as well. Clients must fill out an informational form to request extended assistance. The form must be completely filled out and submitted by the 1st of the month. The committee meets on the second Tuesday of each month. Clients are notified via mail of the status of their request. (Requests received after the 1st of the month are deferred to the next month's meeting.)
Q: Why do you limit visits to ten in a lifetime?
     A: PTF feels strongly about its mission to help clients gain self sufficiency. PTF provides a hand up not a hand out. We practice "tough love" and insist that clients work right along with us to insure that they meet their challenges head on and solve whatever problems are keeping them and their families from caring for themselves. We have an astounding success rate of clients meeting this goal. With some exceptions, there are no resources available to care for families on an extended or long term basis.
Q: Can I apply for Food Stamps there?
     A: Yes. PTF is a Certified Application Assistance Site for Douglas County.
Q: Can I get documents verified there?
     A: Yes. PTF can certify documents for Douglas County and/or State programs.
Q: Can you help me find a job?
     A: PTF has an excellent job board and access to information on various resources to assist you in your job search. We strongly advise the use of these resources as a means toward your goal of self sufficiency.

    Q: Who is eligible for PTF services?
         A: PTF currently serves people in the Parker, Elizabeth and Franktown areas by zip code.
    Q: Why do we even need a food bank in Parker or Douglas County?
         A: Despite the apparent wealth in this county, many families are suffering financial or personal crisis due to job loss, illness, accidents or other problems. Additionally, many families who are having trouble making ends meet, do not qualify for state or county assistance programs. PTF does not have financial limits that disqualify families from receiving help.
    Q: Why do you have a limited service area?
         A: PTF is passionate about providing clients all the attention needed to get them to self sufficiency. If our service area is too broad, the help offered, by necessity, becomes less effective due to space, resources and time constraints.
    Q: What are the income or other qualifications to qualify for your programs?
         A: You must live in Parker, Elizabeth or Franktown. While we don't have published limits that qualify/disqualify clients, we do ask that your need is such that you are facing a financial or personal crisis such as: eviction; empty cupboards; utility shut-offs.
    Q: What will you do if you find out I haven't been truthful in any way?
         A: According to a form that you sign with us, that can constitute grounds for discontinuance of services.

For more information, please call.

County or Counties Served: Douglas

* Important: Please call the food pantries to confirm that the hours have not changed. We do our best to provide full information and details, but food pantries often change their hours without notifying us. We do not want you to waste your time visiting a pantry that is not open.

Donations And Volunteers

Please contact us directly by phone to donate and/or volunteer.

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